Chiropractic FAQs in Brandon MS

Chiropractic adjustments in Brandon MS help heal your body naturally, without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractic care improves your quality of life, bringing out the best in you.
“Healthy spines help children (and adults) have stronger immune systems, fewer ear infections and take less medications than children who aren't under chiropractic care.” VanBreda WM, VanBreda JM., 1989
Chiropractic is the health care of the 21st century. As Thomas Edison quoted long ago, “the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Chiropractic is a natural, hands on approach to enabling your body to have the power to heal itself. As a doctor of chiropractic, I am skilled to feel areas of your spine that are subluxated , or mis-aligned- pinching that spinal nerve. With chiropractic adjustments, I relieve pressure off that nerve, allowing that nerve to function at 100% as opposed to 80% or 60% for example. When that nerve can send impulses at the optimal 100%, your body can heal itself. Think of it just like you stepped on a hose with water running through it; when the nerve is subluxated, the impulses (or water in the hose analogy) is slowed down to a trickle. Your chiropractor helps remove that foot off the hose, and lets the water (or nerve energy) flow strong again.
Spinal nerve stess. A vertebral subluxation complex is the chiropractic term for a misalignment of your spine that causes the spinal nerve at that level to have a reduced impulse flow. The consequences of reduced impulse flow is an unhealthy nerve. Every cell in your body has a nerve supply. If it has a poor nerve supply, then it will not function properly or may even shut down. Your internal organs may get less blood, and less oxygen may get to your brain. This is essentially why many illnesses occur.
Chiropractors are specialists at removing subluxations!
Subluxations are often painless and undetected. Having regular spinal checkups is essential to maintaining a healthy spine and overall health.
All kinds! If much of ill health is the result of unhealthy nerves, then chiropractic has limitless potential since every cell has a nerve supply.
The most common complaints we see are:
- Headaches/Migraines
- Back and Neck Pain
- Arm/Hand Pain/Numbness
- Tingling Arms or Legs
- Infertility/Menstrual Problems
- Whiplash
- Sports injuries
- Asthma/Sinus Problems
- Respiratory Conditions
- Colic/GI Problems
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Dizziness
- Ringing in the Ears
- Viral Illness
- Colds and Flu
- Stress Tension
- Certain Heart Conditions
- TMJ Problems
- Pregnancy Wellness/Pelvic Pain
- Ear Infections
- Bedwetting
- Scoliosis
All of the above symptoms are a result of unhealthy nerves. Correcting a subluxation promotes natural healing, vitality, strength, and health.
Can I go if I am under medical care? Yes. No matter what kind of care you receiving in other health care fields, you always need a healthy spine. MD’s and other healers are not able to detect subluxations, and are not trained in correcting them.
An adjustment is a highly specialized procedure your chiropractor uses to remove subluxations. Chiropractors go through many years of training and experience before mastering the skill needed to locate and correct subluxations. Each visit, I analyze your spine to check for areas that are subluxated before each adjustment. An adjustment helps your entire body receive more life – giving energy and information.
When receiving an adjustment, it usually feels great, rarely tender. You may experience some tenderness if it is an acute problem. Your body will become accustomed to receiving an adjustment as your tissues heal.
ABSOLUTELY! As new parents, we insure we do everything right for our new arrival; watch our eating and habits during pregnancy, opt for the most natural birth, breast feed to provide the best nutrition possible after birth, take extra care to keep the baby healthy and happy. Yet, have you had the baby’s spine checked? How do you know if your child’s spine is healthy? An unhealthy spine can affect your child for his or her entire life. Birth is a traumatic event and often the cause of their very first subluxation. After birth is the most important time to have a spinal checkup. Mothers of children under chiropractic care often report their child has less ear infections and illnesses, sleeps better and recovers faster if they do get unwell. THE CHILD NEEDS TO BE THE FIRST PERSON IN THE FAMILY TO RECEIVE CHIROPRACTIC CARE – Don’t wait until adulthood. They will heal better now. Chiropractic is a family affair.
Do you know your spine is healthy even though you are not in pain? Up to 70% of subluxations are not painful, therefore, you will not know if your spinal nerves are stress free if you do not get regular checkups. Don’t less hidden nerve stress build up. Why wait for disease to happen before you begin to improve your health? A visit to the chiropractor fits in with your healthy lifestyle.
Extremely! Years of training and the experience of giving thousands of adjustments make chiropractic care very safe. Chiropractic is safer than many of the everyday things taken for granted as being “safe”. Getting a tan is less safe- 6,000 people will die this year from skin cancer. Prescription drugs killed 106,000 people this year. 180,000 deaths die from medical malpractice this year alone. More than 100,00 people die from infections they got in hospital.
Of the millions of patients who will benefit from chiropractic care this year, only a handful will have a newsworthy experience to tell. Chiropractic care is especially safe when compared with other forms of treatment.
As in any doctor’s office, there is usually paperwork to be filled out, similar to in any other doctor’s office. We commit to you to perform only the tests necessary to care for you safely and properly. Therefore, the descriptions below may be different for each patient.
Often you will watch an informative 5-minute video explaining chiropractic in an entertaining fashion, answering many of your questions and educating you on the benefits of chiropractic.
- We will then talk with you about the reason for your visit, perform a comprehensive examination, and then may take some x-rays of your spine to help determine how many and where your subluxations are.
- We will give you a verbal report of her examination and x-ray findings, including if she can help you and how long it will take you to get better. She will then adjust you to get you on the road to recovery and may prescribe therapy, exercises, nutrition therapy, or something different.
The office atmosphere is very family friendly, comfortable and relaxing, I know you will enjoy your positive leap toward health!
Does my insurance cover chiropractic?
Here is a list of major health insurance companies that we are providers for:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Aetna
- United HealthCare
- Medicare
Because of patient demand, most insurance companies cover chiropractic care. However, every health plan differs , so you need to call the phone number on your insurance card to find out your chiropractic benefits. We can also do this at the office for you at the time of your first appointment, or prior to it if you call with your information. Our office files your insurance claims on your behalf, but as your insurance customer service representatives tell us, benefits quoted are no guarantee of payment.
Regardless of insurance coverage or none, the important aspect remains your health. Good Health is worth paying for, cash or copay.
If your group health plan does not cover chiropractic, contact your employer in writing, stating your opinion that you wish to have chiropractic included in the next years benefits at renewal time. If enough people express a desire to include chiropractic coverage in their health plan, your employer will be more likely to incorporate it in the group plan
8:00am - 5:00pm
Massage Appointments Only
8:00am - 5:00pm
Massage Appointments Only
8:00am - 3:00pm
Reservoir Chiropractic
1090 Lake Village Circle
Brandon, MS 39047
(601) 919-8800